Certificate of Authenticity

Authenticity Guarantee: Your Artwork Comes with an Official Certificate

Dear art enthusiasts and valued customers,

We are delighted to inform you that every purchase you make at NEW-ART.Store is more than just an artwork. Each piece is accompanied by a meticulously crafted Certificate of Authenticity, attesting to the legitimate origin and undeniable uniqueness of your artistic investment.

NEW-ART.Store's Commitment to Authenticity

We understand the importance of ensuring the authenticity of the artwork you choose to bring into your life. That's why, at NEW-ART.Store, we have established a rigorous policy of providing a Certificate of Authenticity with each artwork, offering unwavering assurance regarding the legitimate provenance of your piece.

What Does Our Certificate of Authenticity Include?

The Certificate of Authenticity we deliver with each artwork is more than just a piece of paper. It is designed to provide a comprehensive and transparent experience for our customers.

  1. Comprehensive Artwork Description: Each certificate includes a detailed description of the artwork, including its title, dimensions, artistic technique used, and other relevant features. This allows you to better understand the essence of the creation you have chosen.
  2. Artist's Personal Signature: To fully authenticate the artwork, the certificate is adorned with the personal signature of the artist who created it. This personal touch adds an extra dimension to your artwork, establishing a direct connection between the creator and the art enthusiast.
  3. Unique Numbering: Each artwork is assigned an exclusive numbering. This feature emphasizes the rarity of your acquisition, making your artwork a unique treasure within our collection.
  4. Seal of Authenticity: A distinctive seal of authenticity is affixed to each certificate, ensuring its integrity and confirming its official status. This seal is a promise of quality, attesting to the accuracy of the provided information.

Your Investment, Our Commitment

By choosing NEW-ART.Store, you are opting for more than a mere commercial transaction. You are investing in authentic art, in a creation that transcends time and space. Our Certificate of Authenticity is the guarantor of this experience, ensuring that every artwork we create comes with the assurance of impeccable authenticity.

Thank you for being part of our community of discerning art enthusiasts. At NEW-ART.Store, each creation is a story, and your Certificate of Authenticity is the first chapter.

Best regards,